02 Sep Winner for the Design Service for Reconstruction of Residential Buildings Damaged by the November 26, 2019 Earthquake
MVM Architecture is the Winner of the Design Service of residential buildings for the approval of the construction permit in the areas declared for compulsory development, in the municipalities of Durres, Fushe-Kruje, Vore, Thumane, Shijak, Marikaj, Laç.
Since the 6.4 magnitude earthquake that hit Albania on November 26, 2019, Albanian Development Fund, through the Earthquake Damage Reconstruction Program aims to accommodate families affected by the earthquake as well as improve the construction of houses / apartments and other facilities in the safest way by designing and building to international standards.
MVM Architecture in collaboration with Dea Studio and Infrakonsult, aim to prepare the building project up to the stage of approval of construction permits for the realization of residential units in buildings, including topographic survey services, environmental impact assessment and geological services that belong to the underground of the foundation works as well as the external systems, furniture and urban greenery of the sports fields to make functional this investment in the areas declared for forced development, in all of the municipalities.