Ervin Taçi born on February 17, 1974, early matured with the art sensitivity in an artist family, co-founded Design Engineering Architecture Studio DEA Studio l.t.d in 2000. He is known for his innovative and ambitious projects, defying traditional architectural conventions and dimensions. He constantly introduces sustainable and social concepts in his designs and at the same time, tries to achieve a balance between the playful and practical approaches in architecture. Guest professor at Albanian Architecture Faculty in Tirana, Member of the Leading Board of Albanian Architecture Association (AAA) and CEO of DEA Studio l.t.d since its foundation, Ervin Taçi enjoys a wide reputation as urban designer and architect, after an intense series of awarded competitions and assigned works.



Alket Meslani was born on September 06, 1974. His early natural attraction to beauty, creativity, design and technology led him to a career in architecture. In 2000, immediately after the graduation, his self-confidence and management skills induce him to co-found Design Engineering Architecture Studio DEA Studio l.t.d. The brilliant combination of his professional abilities with the practical and executive interactivity in opportune and prompt decisions with clients grew and progressed DEA Studio in years.



Professor Klodiana Emiri Taçi (Albania, 1974), is an architect and urban planner, and one of the co-founding directors of DEA Studio in 2000. She has taught at many esteemed academic Albanian institutions and currently is teaching at Architecture Faculty of Tirana. In addition to her professional career, shewas for four years (2008-2012) the Secretary General of the Albanian Architecture Association (AAA), representing the interests of Albania architects and lobbying on their behalf. Klodiana is actually intensively contributing as the technical director of DEA Studio l.t.d in many important projects.